MKUD Makedonka is a Macedonian folk dancing group based in Canley Vale. It has a very long and proud history in the Macedonian community and we have seen the second generation of dancers attend.
We have dancers ranging in age from 5 years to 18 years. We have a junior group and a senior dance group.
Our students are all hard-working and eager to learn and it is a pleasure to watch them learn new choreographed dance routines.
We hold regular dances and attend Festivals with other dance groups where the dancers can showcase their hard work and perform on stage wearing traditional costumes.
Training sessions are held every Monday night at Lansvale United Sports Club at Shortland Street, Canley Vale NSW.
Blagoja Petreski – President
Toni Sekulovski – Treasurer
Vesna Mitreska Koteska – Committee member
Contact: 0434 101 686
Photos were taken by Billy Bogoeski