Sydenham Park Soccer Club – Sydenham, Melbourne

Founded in 1987, Sydenham Park Soccer Club is proud to be one of the premier community soccer clubs in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne. The club continues to provide the players a fun-filled experience in skill management, exercise, teamwork, leadership, discipline and fair play.

The club provides opportunities to senior players, female players and for junior players as young as 6 years of age.

The future is certainly looking bright for Sydenham Park Soccer Club.

The goals and objectives of Sydenham Park Soccer Club can be defined as follows:

  • To be a sought-after destination in relation to player development, with benchmark measures in place at Sydenham Park Soccer Club in all aspects of coaching and junior development, refereeing, and club administration.
  • Opportunities for all coaches, players, administrators, and referees at the club to be able to develop to their potential.
  • To continue to promote the positive culture and leadership that is present at Sydenham Park Soccer Club.
  • Keen to promote as a strong community values their stance on non-violent behaviour and positive role modeling for young people.

Facebook Page: Sydenham Park Soccer Club



Contact: 0414 608 944